Monday, March 23, 2009

Get Up, Uh - Get On Up(date)

So, I've been blog-AWOL for a bit. Two weeks back we had midterms, and last week was spring break. I made a secular vow of celibacy from any intelligent activities over the course of spring break to give my brain a rest - which included no blog posts, since I always aim for at least some small modicum of intelligence on here. That vow didn't prevent me from drinking heavily and playing a lot of Fallout 3 and Rock Band, though (consider the post title a tribute to the recently released RB funk pack).

Anywho, all the preceding activity and post-ceding leisure managed to kick the dust off the more reflective parts of the ole' brain, so I've got several things planned to post about in the near future. In the interest of setting the task for myself, here's a list of things to come:
  1. A discussion of being still.
  2. An indictment against the standard/traditional/pervasive educational model.
  3. The continuation of the BoW, and expansion into as-yet-untapped liquor varieties, starting with rum (yum).

Additionally, I've every intent of updating the daily random fact more regularly (if not daily). AND, I've added a new link over there in right-hand-o'page-land: Check it out.

Until next time, JB said it best. Stay on the scene, uh - like a sex machine.

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